Old Barracks UI/UX

I redesigned the website from a 55% success rate to 95%.


  • Old barracks is a museum that preserves the history of a building constructed in 1758 as a French and Indian War military barracks.

    They wanted to redo their website to match their services over the pandemic.

  • Design consultant as a student in a UX class.

  • Summer of 2020 (mid pandemic)

  • Patrons are currently having difficulty finding these items online. Staff have said that the pages under “About" are messy and could use simplification. In general they want to better understand what visitors are looking for when they visit their site

Step One


Prioritized OBs needs during the pandemic.

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Step Two


Tested the functionality of the old website with user mapping. I formatted controlled questions for the user to perform. From this I developed a success rate per assignment and knew where performance needed improvement.

The Measurement process

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Step Three

-Market Analysis-

Before completely redesigning the website. I looked at competing museum websites. I listed things that they used during covid. I took these functions and implemented it to the new redesign.

Added: buy a ticket, newsletter sign ups, "join & give"

Removed: About Page

Changed: "board" to " Faculty and Staff

Changed: "rent" to "host an event/rentals"

Step Four


I used the same participants and asked the same controlled questions as before to test user mapping and success rate.

Q: Where can you find the newsletter to sign up for emails?

A user Interview question

62% success rate

Original design

92% success rate

Revised design


Reviewed the possible human error and additional changes needed. Noted Significant changes