Readers of this blog will “find the theory unchanged and everything else different. What we do is different and how we do it is different. Both the medium and the level of interest have changed, so there are a lot of new issues to talk about”

— Roger C.Schank



Whoever said “Ignorance is bliss” was damn right. After diving deep into the developments of technology, it is safe to say that I am TERRIFIED for the future. The future is very much now.

As we face a post Covid world, society begins to use technological means as a crutch to healthcare, education, and societal shifts. Technology holds power.

We begin to look at the widened digital gap in our education systems, only exasperated by Covid isolated variables.

We begin to implement digital and e-learning as a new norm. Multi modal learning catalyses for many.

Games are soon used as prescriptions to aid cognitive disabilities. VR is implemented in museums and educational models to help educate kids. AI is used to shift the future of Graphic design.

All these silver linings of technology developed in just 20 years. What we knew as far yesterday is tossed out the window the next. Yesterday mental health had a stigma. Today we use applications and business models surrounding mental health. Yesterday there was no waking up from a coma, today a man and monkey can communicate through a coma with the use of electrodes.

Today is tomorrow. Technology is our key.